汇成软件 Create the world!!!


  1. About.com
    Submit: http://www.about.com/
  2. Gimpsy - Active Sites for Active People
    Submit: http://www.gimpsy.com/gimpsy/searcher/suggest.php
  3. GoGuides
    Submit: http://www.goguides.org/info/addurl.htm
    Google Directory - Powered by the ODP
    Submit: Use the Open Directory Project
  4. JoeAnt.com
    Submit: http://www.joeant.com/suggest.html
  5. ODP - Open Directory Project - DMOZ
    Submit: http://dmoz.org/add.html
  6. Skaffe - The International Directory
    Submit: http://www.skaffe.com/info/addurl.htm
  7. WebSavvy Directory
    Submit: http://www.websavvy.cc/add.php
  8. To submit your site, go to the proper category within the directory, and proceed to the Add URL page for that specific category.
    Submit: https://ecom.yahoo.com/dir/express/intro/
  9. Zeal
    Submit: http://www.zeal.com/help_tour.jhtml


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