centos7 关闭防火墙
1、命令行界面输入命令“systemctl status firewalld.service”并按下回车键。
3、在命令行中输入systemctl stop firewalld.service命令,进行关闭防火墙。
4、然后再使用命令systemctl status firewalld.service,在下方出现disavtive(dead),这权样就说明防火墙已经关闭。
1、命令行界面输入命令“systemctl status firewalld.service”并按下回车键。
3、在命令行中输入systemctl stop firewalld.service命令,进行关闭防火墙。
4、然后再使用命令systemctl status firewalld.service,在下方出现disavtive(dead),这权样就说明防火墙已经关闭。
// this code works(4 Oct 2018), it might need changes depending on if and when shopify or google changes their code) // Paste this code carefully with in the script tags window.renderOptIn = function() { window.gapi.load('surveyoptin', function() { //this code gets all the UPC codes for products ordered, and adds them to product array //skip products fields it if you are not using global identifier, it also means that your review is not co-nthrelated back to products ordered var products = [ {% for item in order.line_items %} { "gtin": {{ item.variant.barcode }} }, {% endfor %} ]; window.gapi.surveyoptin.render( { // REQUIRED FIELDS "merchant_id": 12345, //replace with your own google merchant id "order_id": "{{order.order_number}}", "email": "{{order.email}}", "delivery_country": "{{order.shipping_address.country_code}}", //this date dictates when review email would be sent if customer opt in, "plus:345600" is number of seconds for 4 days. Change the number of seconds to delivery time (432000 = 5 days, 604800 = 7 days). "estimated_delivery_date": "{{ order.created_at | date:'%s' | plus:345600 | date:'%F' }}", //optional: delete this line if you are skipping product GTIN "products": [{% for item in order.line_items %}{"gtin":"{{ item.variant.barcode }}"}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}{% endfor %}] //optional: setting to where to display the dialog(prompt customer to opt in) "opt_in_style": "CENTER_DIALOG" }); }); }
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*'; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods 'POST,PUT,GET,DELETE'; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers 'version, access-token, user-token, Accept, apiAuth, User-Agent, Keep-Alive, Origin, No-Cache, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, Pragma, Last-Modified, Cache-Control, Expires, Content-Type, X-E4M-With';